A few in the snow

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here goes a few to cast you r eyes on go on be as harsh as you see fit
c+c welcomed!!!!!

which one between 2 3 ?







thanks you
Mmmmm... love those sunsets, although I don't believe that orange for a minute! ;D 2 has it for me as the sun provides more interest. Particularly good that you managed to keep the detail in the snowfield, which is where a couple of the other fall down - on my monitor, anyway. The white is too much. The mono I like very much, apart from the block of whiteness in the foreground. Is it burnt out on the original or can you get a bit in with dodging? Not sure I'm the best person for this kind of technical advice but I offer what c&c I can anyway. Cheers, Swatcher
Mmmmm... love those sunsets, although I don't believe that orange for a minute! ;D 2 has it for me as the sun provides more interest. Particularly good that you managed to keep the detail in the snowfield, which is where a couple of the other fall down - on my monitor, anyway. The white is too much. The mono I like very much, apart from the block of whiteness in the foreground. Is it burnt out on the original or can you get a bit in with dodging? Not sure I'm the best person for this kind of technical advice but I offer what c&c I can anyway. Cheers, Swatcher

thank you 2 and 3 same shot sun had gone down so i put in lens flare in photoshop ,maybe becuse i put it in i think its too false
as for mono no it was not burn out but its so difficult to view on my pc windows shows it very dark and then when i open in photoshop its to light
dont know quite how it should be i dont know anything about dodging?
but thanks for the input
Hi Debrito. I prefer image no 2. Softer tones and the flare prvides a focal point. Dodging and burning are two methods used to lighten and darken areas within a picture. The tools are in Photoshop/Elements and both can be adjusted to whatever level you need. Dodging will lighten and burning will darken. Use them with care!!
If it doesn't look the same in Windows and Photoshop then you need to sort out your monitor's colour profile, a thing I am struggling with a bit, as I have bit of a crappy monitor. There are some very informative tutorials on this site. It's complicated but necessary as it makes sure that colour is represented correctly and consistently on screen and on paper. I have a post on this very subject which I will now go and have a look for. S