a few weddings pics from yesterday

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just a few pics i took yesterday ,it was a simple register office affair some picture settings were not to good.Any way your comments would be great.
I reckon you've done OK in what look quite difficult surroundings. That's often the case with Registrar's Offices and even some churches. If there's a reception venue with better surroundings you're sometimes better off taking the bulk of the shots there, but if not there's not much you can do except try to make the best of a bad job.

I can see why you've done the vignetting on some of the shots, but I wouldn't get too carried away with it - I don't see a really good reason for it with the shot through the open car door?
You've got some nice pics there. I did a registry office wedding back in April - the bulk of the photos were taken at a different location afterwards.

Vignetting is a very nice effect, but I must agree with CT - don't over-use it. The last wedding shoot I did in September, I used vignetting on just 2 out of 90 shots.
cheers guys thanks for comments.To be honest dont usually do that many vignettes , but in this case just trying to hide the background as much as poss.