A little trick with digital camera's ...........

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If you have a camera 'phone or a compact with 'liveview', point a remote at the lens, hold a button down and you should be able to see the infra red beam and know that the batteries are working as shown below.............


Thought this trick was more widely known but every time I test a customers remote control batteries using it they always seem amazed ! Thought I'd just mention it in case it hadnt been posted before ..................
Unless you have a camera with a built in IR filter like the 20D :p

But handy tip on checking remote batteries, I never thought of using it for that! (y)
you can also put the remote near a radio on AM and you will hear the difference in the sound as different buttons are pressed.
On all our remotes, they have a red light at the end (which I presume is the IR beam thingy :shrug:), so if the batteries aren't working, the red light doesn't come on. Easy!
It's a nice picture but you have blown the highlights on the thumb and remote and it seems a little soft to me......

The IR is still strong enough to show on the 20D, but you may need a fairly slow exposure as the beam strobes, it's not constant ;)

Well I never knew that :D See? I still have lots to learn!
Cool. It IS true that you learn something new every day!