A new wedding video/slideshow thoughts please!

The quotes really ought to have quotation marks as it looks like you are saying it instead of someone else.

I'd leave out the shot of you at the end - the quality just doesn't match the rest.

Also, you've got a video shot of the confetti - can't you add the still as well to show what you captured?
Agree with Phil on the quotes.

I also wasn't sure on the music- not sure it matches the video. However, having played it at various points it's more the first bar or so I don't like. Just not convinced on the vibe but music is very personal and as I am the only one that mentioned it - it may just be me- so, move along, nothing to see :coat::D

Video flows well- like Phil's idea on the confetti- certainly be good to see a link from video perspective to camera perspective at some point ie the video of the scene looked like this and here's the photo from my perspective in the scene. I think it would provide a stronger connection of what you can do but we all think differently.

Always good to canvass opinion then act on as you see fit so take my advice with as much salt as you want- I have not won any MTV awards, sadly:p
Nice work out there, but as for me - i don't like the quotes, they distract a little.
Also, check this for some new ideas for you