A Spot of Lunch

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don't own a camera at the moment, but my father and I had a run in the car during the worst of the snow and I managed a few shots of this buzzard with his 40D and 300mm F4L IS.


LOL. Well caught - the buzzard and what's left of the hen Pheasant! :D
If that's the remains of a hen pheasant, quite large prey for a buzzard methinks.
Most likley carrion Ken - Buzzards are big eaters of carrion and a lot of shot pheasants at this time of year go unpicked, or it could easily be what's been left by another predator.

Definitely a female pheasant though, you can see the long tail feathers still intact over on the left.
I agree, this is a 'stumbled upon' kill by another predator, and the Buzzard is cleaning up. Probably fox kill.
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I'd say it was a fox actually from the mess, and where there's pheasants Reynard is never far away!