Add lightroom gallery to existing webpage?

Neil McLeland
Edit My Images
Hi all,

Anyone know whether this can be done, I am developing a hobby photography website in CSS and wondered whether I can use Lightroom for the gallery pages content and insert them into the relevant div on the already designed webpages? - if that makes sense..

Thanks in advance.


Fantastic! Thanks for that, I'll have a go.

Presumably - I just save each created Lightroom gallery as an HTML page which is then added, together with the images, into the site within Dreamweaver ie. landscapes.html or whatever?

Didn't realise it would be that straightforward - mind you, it probably won't be by the time I've finished with it;)


iframe content isn't indexed by search engines, etc which might or might not be an issue for you. An alternative is to use SSI if you can, but it's a bit more work.
iframe content isn't indexed by search engines, etc which might or might not be an issue for you. An alternative is to use SSI if you can, but it's a bit more work.

So that is why Google only found a few of my pages? I got around this (I think) by creating a sitemap file and submitting this to Google

One of these days I am going to have to go on a course or something for creating websites as mine is somewhat of a mish-mash of bits I have learned as I have wanted to do something :(
SSI is a pretty good method, esp. if you're working with CSS and laying out the page with DIVs but you do need to test remotely or get a server tech. installed on your own pc. SSI pages are rendered as the complete thing just like PHP so you can't see the code that generated it, only the result.
- the trouble is I do not understand the language they use in the sites that supply/explain these things, I think it is English but not as I understand it. I use a FF add-on (Web Developer) which sometimes helps me work out a way of doing what I want to do

One of the beauties of a friendly forum like this! Explanations, examples or maybe links to tutorials on YouTube etc that cut through the jargon and make it possible for simple (like me anyway :thinking:) people to learn how to do stuff.

Do you want the whole page within your page?

What I have done before is made a Flash gallery, then striped the .swf out and put that in my page.