Adobe Photoshop AI winter to summer / autumn?

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Just playing around to be honest. I can see there being some benefit of this for real estate exteriors in some circumstances, same as you swap grey miserable sky for part blue one, in this case fully manually.

I managed to swap some small shrubs in the foreground with usurpingly good results almost instantly.



The large tree however has been pretty much a banging of the head on the wall. Mostly very pixelated low IQ crap that even messes up the roofline and adds random things. I just wan leaves on respecting the light and scene.


In all fairness, the client probably won't really care but if they did there are really two possibilities left. They book me again in the summer, or I go fishing for suitable tree images in my library and most likely fail.
Presumably you have to be careful if these are for estate agents to avoid misdescription issues ?
Presumably you have to be careful if these are for estate agents to avoid misdescription issues ?
Presumably, like changing maple to birch would be a no no... Maple for maple of the same size and shape I can't see why not, same like the sky. Main thing is not to mess with house or add something that is not there.

Presumably you just offer them the 'service' for a price and they can choose whether to take it but then we are not quite there yet, at least not quickly and easily.

edit: there is actually a far more extreme service already on offer by some specialist companies called virtual staging. They basically add fake furniture and what no from 3D models, that were/are/will NOT be there. I can't see any reason why this AI thing won't basically upstage these companies eventually. This is not necessarily a good thing in the broader context, but perhaps it at least may open some opportunity for the rest of us to get a slice of that market with little upfront investment. So basically think of the extra leaves on the tree as a part of AI virtual staging package if it only were good enough.
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I'm told doing a large area in sections works better but I havent tried it.
That is true, yes. You have to get the rough generation of the whole patch, and then redo the area in 1000x1000 or smaller rectangles. The trouble is the initial output is really bad leading everything onto the wrong path, and without it you are just generating more bare branches and roofs in a random order. I got it sort of working on a simpler example but that was just extending a very simple image side by maybe 200px to meet frame requirements.
Wouldn't it be easier to use the patch tool or clone stamp to remove the bulk of the tree (just below roofline) then replace the sky, which will effectively cover any odd bits from the patch/stamp?
Wouldn't it be easier to use the patch tool or clone stamp to remove the bulk of the tree (just below roofline) then replace the sky, which will effectively cover any odd bits from the patch/stamp?
In short No, and remember I still want the tree of the same size and shape even if it is bare. What you see already has sky replaced, and so cleanly that you didn't even realise that. Basically you never put full blue instead of grey.