Advice on a New Camera

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I'm finding it very hard to decide which camera to get I know I need a digital DSLR for my free lance work, hopefully to become more professional.
What cameras would you suggest, anyone??
Ellie what is your budget? What sort of photography are you most interested in?
Ellie be prepared to be asked about how much £'s you have available....
Around £700. Just the camera alone. And I'm open to any kind of photography. But my main interest would be commercial/artistic/advertising.
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My brother has a Canon 550D and it takes very nice photographs.
There are a lot of veriables here, however my money would be on either a Canon EOS 5D or a 7D, if budget is tight a 2nd hand 5d mk1.

These are quality cameras with built quality and image quality at the fore, the cropped sensor of the 7d may be an issue for you (good or bad)

Happy camera hunting


if budget £700 then my money would be on a clean 2nd hand Canon EOS 5d mk1