Advice on a waterproof solution

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I'm going away in August to the same place as I did last month, I really wanted a waterproof camera, since getting back and looking around I have come across things such as this:

Now, I'm worried that it would leak, and I just wouldn't be able to afford to replace my 7D right now. Has anyone had any experience with these ? It's just by the pool or on the beach that I'd be shooting, I was also considering re-purchasing a 30D (lol) and then a case like the one above. Then if it did leak I'd be annoyed but not devastated.

In terms of cost it's about the same as some of the other compact waterproofs I have seen, but I don't know about quality/performance.
Or should I trust a product like this with my main body?
Below is what I got last time I was there. I really think I'd enjoy underwater shooting or at least getting closer without getting worried.
(just took this from facebook)
Or even any alternatives that I haven't considered??
I haven't used one of those linked to, but have used Aquapac products for my point and shoot camera, VHF radio and mobile phone. I have used them on the sea on my jetski; we floated the bags in the sea (all three of my bags float), pushed them underwater, fallen off the ski with the bags on us and they have never let water in.

I haven't used their SLR case so no idea how easy it is to use, but my cases are soft and supple and I can use my P&S fine (admittedly I am not changing settings). From my experience it will work fine for being on or near the surface of the water. I don't know how well it would work for anything more than surface snorkling though.

Hope that helps
Thanks for your response!

Were you happy with the results? image quality is for me very important, one thing I have read is that they tend to fog up during use any experience with that ?
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I can't talk for that make but have experience of the EWA Marine bag and all I can say is that working the controls through what is very thick plastic is extremely difficult. I use a proper housing now but they are rather expensive at £1500 - £4500 depending on supplier.

If you are not taking it actually underwater I would have thought a rain cover would do wouldn't it?
I used a black bin bag last time to go into the sea so for what I was able to do before would be great to get a rain cover but I felt quite unsafe using it like that.

The housing idea would be the best I know that but MOT time soon...

I would like to go underwater with it just of the surface or at the bottom of 3m pool get some shots of people jumping in and things.
I think...

Anything water related forgery you're DSLR.

Get a waterproof point and shoot or premium compact and housing on Ebay!

Having said that..if it's just around the pool I wouldn't even bother, just keep it safe and use a long lens :)
Thanks for your response!

Were you happy with the results? image quality is for me very important, one thing I have read is that they tend to fog up during use any experience with that ?

Yes and no.

I had the large camera case: linky which I used in conjunction with my old Fuji A345 3MP P&S. My issues with it came mainly from the camera, not the bag (shutter lag, unusable above ISO 400 so low shutter speeds unsuitable for action unless it was sunny - this was North Wales!)

I didn't really take any shots from a stable platform or of static subjects. But from memory I don't remember any IQ issues (there must be some, but nothing jumped out at me like distortion, or particularly soft images), most of my issues came from the camera not being good enough for my uses!

The bag did what it was supposed to - the camera stayed bone dry at all times, even after being under the water, and being on the back of the jetski (a very wet and bumpy ride(y))

I never had any fogging inside the bag, but the camera was put in the bag in a dry environment (indoors, with dry hands) and the bag wasn't opened until I was done with it. The only thing I did notice was that water would bead up on the bag and this was sometimes included in the shots, but figure this would happen even on an expensive housing in similar conditions.

The SLR bag has a solid lens, so things like distortion shouldn't be an issue anyway.

I haven't got any photos taken with it here, neither do I have the bag to hand to take some test shots (it is 300 miles away at my parents), but there is a Flickr group dedicated to shots taken with Aquapac camera cases - linky so you can see some examples taken.