Aircraft Sharpness

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Hi guys, I know sharpness in aircraft is hard for alot of people to achieve. I'm very hit and miss really even in great conditions. Is there nack to it? I do try to keep my shutter speed as low as possible and have a reasonably steady hand.


What sort of aircraft? ie props or jets?

Why do you try to keep your shutter speed down? Depending on what it is I'll shoot up to 1/1000 and faster (fast, military jets through the loop!) faster shutter speeds will help freeze the action, and depending on your panning skills will help get a sharp image.

What Neil says. If it's jets.
Prop planes are a bit of a gamble, high shutter speeds will freeze the prop and look unnatural, "assuming the prop is visible" Also most small prop planes do vibrate, degrading the picture. A bit of a gamble but not impossible there are some cracking photos of all types of plane.
It depends on a few factors, not just shutter speed.
What lens are you using? Many zoom lenses get distinctly soft at the far end, especially at full open aperture, which is a down side of using Shutter priority, and why I don't!
Is your camera 'locking' on target'? Even the best autofocus doesn't get it right all the time, although gets it better than I can manually most of the time!
Its only when you know the answers to those bits that you can say that shutter speed being too low is the problem.