Airshows that allow flare use etc

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Hoping someone can help me.

Having caught the airshow bug was wondering if anyone knew which airshows are permitted to use flares in their displays. Looking to try and arrange next years visits and want to include one along with other trips to airfields etc

Don't see that the kind of trousers your wearing makes any difference to be honest. :thinking:

Oh come on !!! Somebody had to do it. :LOL::D
There's always one. :D:razz:

Googling seems to suggest they are no longer permitted.
LOL thought about the 70's look too

there was a great pyrotechnics display on the beach at sunderland this year.
on the saturday iirc.
not flare related but it was quite a good display to simulate strafing.
They are still permitted.
This was Duxford last year.


There's not a huge list of places, but it's more to do with storage of aircraft with live weapons, which is what flares are.

The Belgian F16 in the photo was allowed to because it had been parked at either Lakenheath or Mildenhall. RIAT don't allow them any more because aircraft are parked on an airfield mostly open to the public. Although Yeovilton do, or have in the last couple of years.

So the short answer, is not many!
At least thats two I can try and fit into my schedule - many thanks
Leuchars had the same thing as Bernie's post last year but nothing this year.