Am I too strong?

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I had my 1st disaster today.

When putting my SD card into my reader - it snapped!!!

The reader is a non-descript cheap effort and I have generally never been sure if I made the connection so have given, what I think, as a reasonable push. But today I wasn't thinking & low, it snapped!

However, on my D80 there is a very positive, almost dampened feel as I push it in then there is a re-asssuring click when it's home.

So I suppose the question is do I need a new card reader with a dampened action, just like the camera?
Probably a more branded name like Sandisk may be suitable?
better to damage the card reader
could have been the card
or the camera
It was the card that snapped, unfortunately the reader is OK.:thumbsdown:

Another extreme III, please sir!
then you are too strong (big boy!)