Andromeda Galaxy M31 using M43 gear

Wonderful ;)
Brilliant :)
Really nice shot, you’ve captured the dust lanes really well and the way you’ve caught M110 as well really finishes it off. They make such a great pair in the night sky
Really wonderful. The full size image is so good. A lot of work must have gone into that.

May I ask what equipment you used?
Really wonderful. The full size image is so good. A lot of work must have gone into that.

May I ask what equipment you used?
I used My OM-1 camera with 40-150mm f/2.8 Lens and MC-14 Teleconverter, giving a focal length od 210mm at F/4. (420mm FF equivalent)
150 Lights and 10 Darks each 10 sec at ISO 8000.
Processed in APP and PS.
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The Good News and The Bad.

Just tried again tonight with my 300mm lens (FF equivalent 600mm)

The good news : The stars are still round :banana:

The bad news: the clouds came in so could only get 48 lights needed 200 - 300. Great fun this astro stuff:)

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Good work. Do you use a tracking head/mount?
Good work. Do you use a tracking head/mount?
Yes, I just sold all my traditional Astro gear: mount, scope and cameras due to lack of use because of the set-up and take-down time it required. The result was me not using it for nearly 2 years. I used the money to splash out on the new Benro Polaris which I am currently getting to grips with. It is controlled completely by your mobile and has a built-in Lithium battery meaning it will run for over 8 hours. no external power is required. The set-up time is literally 2 mins.

The tracking with long telephoto lenses is not up to a guided Astro mount which can do 5 or even 10-minute exposures, but the Polaris is good enough if you do shorter exposures and more of them.

Hence my comment about round stars. That's the critical bit, if the stars are elongated you will never get good detail on nebula and galaxies. A measurement used by astrophotographers is the stars FWHM in your image. If its less than 4 you are in good shape it its more then you will struggle to get detail. The atmosphere plays a big part in this as well.

Look it up on the web.
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^^ Thanks, it’s knowing what to look up really. I’ve never really had a decent go at Astro photograph. Have taken a few snaps of the moon and had a go at making some star trails about ten-years ago with some success, though not worthy of sharing.