Anglesey 19/5/12

Edit My Images
Hi All,:wave:

I hope were all enjoying the weekend(y) I am a new is member and looking for some guidance(y)
i have posted some of the hundreds of photos taken yesterday. I still seem to have a lack of colour and clarity:thinking:

I was using a Canon 450d with a 70-300 lens. I did meet a couple of guys a few weeks ago at oulton pk and they were in the same areas as I and had totaly different colours:thinking:Brighter with a good depth?my amount of knowledge is next to nill so any help please.:help:

unsure how i get a couple of my photos onto here for viewing??
Upload the photos onto flickr then once uploaded click the photo then just above the image it says share then a drop boc appears, press BBCODE then change the drop down box to the size to Large 1024 then copy and post whats in the box into here and voila your pics will come up.
For a first time youve done really well but just a couple of pointers.
Im not sure why but you seem to have your camera set on iso 800, it looks from the photos like a sunny/overcast day so i would normally start of with the base iso which is 100, if my pictures come out to dark then i would up the iso till the pictures look alright on the screen.
For side on shots to make the bike look like its moving you would as a rough guide use a shutter speed of 1/200th and then follow the bike with the camera then take the photo.

#1 the best one out of the bunch, a lower shutter speed as i said above would give the bike the impression of movement

#2 Bikes look abit lost in the picture as theres nothing else apart from tarmac and a tiny bit of kerb plus it looks like youve missed the focus on the bike.

Nowrt wrong with it, looks sharp to my eyes.

Pretty similar to number one

Looks sharp to me but same as number 2 in that the bikes look abit lost in the frame.


1/1000, way to higher a shutter speed, drop down to abit 1/200th.

Hope this helps a tad or someone else will probabley come in and say im wrong. Will post a couple of my own bike pictures to show what i mean.

British Superbikes taken at 1/320th, you can see the movement in the wheels, probabley could of lowered it more but i wanted some keepers from my first attempt at the big boys

Fullres by BtccPics1992, on Flickr

Track day, taken at 1/60th, harder to get but can you see the difference in the background in how much its blurred.

IMG_0623 by BtccPics1992, on Flickr
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Thank you for your guide(y), I am still looking at how I change the speed etc so I will take on board your views and start to work on it. Thank you for your views most helpful.(y)
Hi Dex,

I have been using AV and this I think sets tthe shutter speed by Auto? I am not sure if I shopuld use TV and see how this works on track days? however I dont wish to use a full day out and then find on returning home that the shots were incorrect? what would an ideal setting be for a track day?
any suggestions out there would be welcome.
For motorsport you really want to use TV mode so you can be in control of the shutter speed, for side on shots start off by using a shutter speed of 1/200th, once you start getting some good shots you can start playing arround with slower speeds but the lower you go the more photos that you will probablye have to delete.
Thank yuo,(y) As I was saying just unsure which setting to use and this was why i guess the speed was not working when I was panning and still getting a freeze frame:bang:
Thank yuo,(y) As I was saying just unsure which setting to use and this was why i guess the speed was not working when I was panning and still getting a freeze frame:bang:

:LOL:, dont worry i made the same mistake when i first started but the opposite, i was using a shutter speed of below 1/100th, out of 200 pictures i took i got 2 that came out usable. Just keep practicing at it, to show how much my photos have come on have alook at the link below then press page one the difference in my photos is huge thanks to help and tips from this forum.