Another darn seascape sunset

They call me Carol
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As tonights sunset has been washed out by dull skies and the occasional wet stuff, I thought I'd post this instead.

This was taken last year before I started to think about what I took, but I still like it so C+C appreciated.

hey seems a bit washed out on the colours at the very top of the image, its also a good idea composition wise to keep the horizon off centre, had a wee play hope you dont mind

Thanks for your thoughts G-Kenny, I actually lightened the original because I thought the hills weren't dark enough and if I made them black the whole image got too dark.
I'll keep the composition thoughts in mind for the next shot.
I quite like your version, we had a whole long weekend of sunsets like this when we went down to Ventnor last November.
;) lucky for some all we have had is rain and grey clound i think my last sunset shot was back in july. ps the rocks didnt look as dark in my photoshop probably saved it out wrong