Another jumping spider

Great photo John! I am trying to get one of these little beauties (in focus) myself so I appreciate how hard it must have been to nail this shot :clap:
This is one hell of a shot john. What lens did you use (if you don't mind me asking). I've been using the tamron, extension tubes AND a 2x converter and get no where near this quality.
This is one hell of a shot john. What lens did you use (if you don't mind me asking). I've been using the tamron, extension tubes AND a 2x converter and get no where near this quality.

Thanks Chris, I used the Tamron 90mm with all 3 tubes. Picture was cropped slightly and sharpened using neat image pro.
That is a great picture John :) I tried a spider week before last - it kept moving grrrr lol
Missed this one John. Think the plane of focus makes for an interesting look to it, nice and sharp too(y)