Another Pink Grasshopper

Very nice set of macro/close up style captures Kevin, with some beautiful colours.
just Before they Cut the Meadows Why So early ?

Silage? Don’t know about your meadow but grass nowadays is cut much earlier for silage than it was for hay. Has had an effect on all kinds of beasties, eg hares.
Silage? Don’t know about your meadow but grass nowadays is cut much earlier for silage than it was for hay. Has had an effect on all kinds of beasties, eg hares.
Meadow fields here are cut 3-4 times a year for Hay and Silage depending on weather.

@cruso lovely images, Kevin.
Excellent set ;)
It is very late for Hay or Silage now. It will be cut to manage the meadow, you have to cut it now and remove it so that it doesn't feed the ground when it dies back. Natural wild flowers love a barren soil, if it becomes rich with nutrients it kills them off. Normally it is done in late July/August which allows the wild flowers time to store energy for the following year. If the ground is heavily fertilised the grass is rampant and it just smothers everything else.