Anyone experienced/regular at Cadwell park


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KIPAX Lancashire UK
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I am in Skegness for a week at end of June and was thinking of going to Cadwell park on sat 25th June (as its just down the rd) for the BMCRC Club Bike Championships

I have NEVER been to anyhting like this before so have lots of questions I couldnt find answers for.

1) Photogrpahy.. I found lots of thread that are a few years old that would seem to suggest no problems wiht photography (100% for personal use only) is this still the case. can you arrive wiht any sort of equipment and shoot away? :)

2) parking/Entrance.. is it by person or by car.. So could I park up and wander back and forth to car or do i ahve to take everyhting in when entering on foot such as camera.. picnic chairs blah blah

3) its an all day event I was thinking of turning up part way throuhg.... does it get packed and best getting there early or aftre start OK

4) any tips info for a race track virgin ?

PS will have the missus with me :)
I am in Skegness for a week at end of June and was thinking of going to Cadwell park on sat 25th June (as its just down the rd) for the BMCRC Club Bike Championships

I have NEVER been to anyhting like this before so have lots of questions I couldnt find answers for.

1) Photogrpahy.. I found lots of thread that are a few years old that would seem to suggest no problems wiht photography (100% for personal use only) is this still the case. can you arrive wiht any sort of equipment and shoot away? :)

2) parking/Entrance.. is it by person or by car.. So could I park up and wander back and forth to car or do i ahve to take everyhting in when entering on foot such as camera.. picnic chairs blah blah

3) its an all day event I was thinking of turning up part way throuhg.... does it get packed and best getting there early or aftre start OK

4) any tips info for a race track virgin ?

PS will have the missus with me :)
1) No restrictions on photography if it is for your own personal use.

2) Entry fee is per person. You park on circuit. For most of the circuit you can park next to the track. Leave all your gear in the car and drive round to different locations. You can drive all the way from “Coppice” to “Mansfield”. There is a small carpark at the bottom of The Mountain. For Hall Bends park next to the trees.

3) It will not be busy, although the bottom of The Mountain is very popular as is Hall Bends.

4) The best spots are “The Mountain” and “Hall Bends”. Some of the big bikes get airborne at The Mountain.
1) No restrictions on photography if it is for your own personal use.

2) Entry fee is per person. You park on circuit. For most of the circuit you can park next to the track. Leave all your gear in the car and drive round to different locations. You can drive all the way from “Coppice” to “Mansfield”. There is a small carpark at the bottom of The Mountain. For Hall Bends park next to the trees.

3) It will not be busy, although the bottom of The Mountain is very popular as is Hall Bends.

4) The best spots are “The Mountain” and “Hall Bends”. Some of the big bikes get airborne at The Mountain.

1) Good to know.. The threads on the subject where old so thanks:)

2) very good to know.. will find a track map and figure out where to go

3) so no massive ques to gte in and full car parks you reckon ?

4) great stuff

Exactly what i was looking for and the best possible answers... thnaks :)
One thing I should have mentioned is that I haven't been for about three years, so I don't know how much catch-fencing there is now. The last time I went it was at "Charlies" and from "Park" all the way round "Chris Curve".
1) Good to know.. The threads on the subject where old so thanks:)

2) very good to know.. will find a track map and figure out where to go

3) so no massive ques to gte in and full car parks you reckon ?

4) great stuff

Exactly what i was looking for and the best possible answers... thnaks :)
3- Not for minor events, Touring Cars and Superbikes are the 2 big domestic events that have the big crowds and can sell out or make parking more of a chore. Moto GP, World Superbikes, DTM and F1 are a different kettle of fish. In the good old days of World Superbikes when King Carl was riding I spent 3 hours just trying to get out of a field along with 130,000 other people.
3- Not for minor events, Touring Cars and Superbikes are the 2 big domestic events that have the big crowds and can sell out or make parking more of a chore. Moto GP, World Superbikes, DTM and F1 are a different kettle of fish. In the good old days of World Superbikes when King Carl was riding I spent 3 hours just trying to get out of a field along with 130,000 other people.
KIPAX is going to a Grade D event, the crowd will consist of one man and his dog.
I am in Skegness for a week at end of June and was thinking of going to Cadwell park on sat 25th June (as its just down the rd) for the BMCRC Club Bike Championships

I have NEVER been to anyhting like this before so have lots of questions I couldnt find answers for.

1) Photogrpahy.. I found lots of thread that are a few years old that would seem to suggest no problems wiht photography (100% for personal use only) is this still the case. can you arrive wiht any sort of equipment and shoot away? :)

2) parking/Entrance.. is it by person or by car.. So could I park up and wander back and forth to car or do i ahve to take everyhting in when entering on foot such as camera.. picnic chairs blah blah

3) its an all day event I was thinking of turning up part way throuhg.... does it get packed and best getting there early or aftre start OK

4) any tips info for a race track virgin ?

PS will have the missus with me :)
1. No restrictions. Some new fences in the last year or so, but its a good circuit to photograph at.

2. You will be parking within the circuits grounds. I leave most of my gear in the car and come back for it if I need it

3. For a club race you should be OK turning up mid-way through the day

4. Bikes get airborne up the mountain. Hall Bends was always good fun and close to the action. 300 or 400mm lens preferred.
Public can access outer section from the Cafeteria (5) to the hairpin at Hall bends on the outside of the circuit, and in the other direction from The Mountain all the way around the outside of the circuit to the start finish line. You can't get to the infield section or the section between Hairpin, Barn Corner and the start finish straight. The Hall Bends section is narrow, twisty and through woodland, the rest is more open. There is a bridge crossing the track.
Public can access outer section from the Cafeteria (5) to the hairpin at Hall bends on the outside of the circuit, and in the other direction from The Mountain all the way around the outside of the circuit to the start finish line. You can't get to the infield section or the section between Hairpin, Barn Corner and the start finish straight. The Hall Bends section is narrow, twisty and through woodland, the rest is more open. There is a bridge crossing the track.

printing that out.. THANKS :)
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great stuff... Looking forward to this.. it will be a one off so need to make the best of it :)

Thanks for all the help everyone.. confidence has grown that i will get somehting :)
Bikes are a bit quicker than footballers, better get your panning technique upto scratch ;)

Hope you have a nice day as it seems to be a different fun day out to the norm.
OMG What a great outing that was:)

To be fair we didnt stay more than a couple of hours.. it was the end of the holidays and we wanted to get home... But it was a lovely day . talked to a few other photographers knocking about...

As for taking pics.. the guy on the tannoy (who thinks hes a comedian BTW :) ) Mentioned there where lots of photogrpahers about and even advised them where to go to get different angles.. so not only allowed but actively encouraged :)

All in all we enjoyed the experience.. I am post a couple of pics in the motorsport section :) I am quite pleased with the results for a first attempt :) heres one for now :)
