Anyone used Eye Control?

Right. Sorted. Some dumb-ass did not notice the mirror not raising completely. Turns out that the Pentacon PB lens back dust trap plasticky-bit was about half a gnt's too long. take it off - perfect - back on - poo.While the plastic part is needed in a Praktica camera to smooth the aperture movement control from the camera, in this situation it is not needed. Explains why it works on the 10D every time too now I think about it... crop sensor :D

Right. Sorted. Some dumb-ass did not notice the mirror not raising completely. Turns out that the Pentacon PB lens back dust trap plasticky-bit was about half a gnt's too long. take it off - perfect - back on - poo.While the plastic part is needed in a Praktica camera to smooth the aperture movement control from the camera, in this situation it is not needed. Explains why it works on the 10D every time too now I think about it... crop sensor :D


Aahhh - mirror crash. I have to admit, it didn't cross my mind - the Yashica lenses I'd used with adaptors are internal focusing and zooming, and don't even project all the way through the adaptor ring. :shrug:
Me neither, the Pentacon doesn't come past the base, but there is that plastic dust protector insert thing that helps the camera actuator thingie. It's only a press fit, simple to whip off when in use, refit when it's in the bag. One doesn't half feel a prat though :(
OEM grip arrived today, Fuji HQ loaded - here comes colour! :D

