Anyone using x64 Vista?

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Just wanted to know how you were getting on with it.. I have just installed it and getting lots of issues with IE7 crashing. Loads of posts on the WWW about it but none seem to have fixes!

Thinking I might install the x32 bit version instead as I had had that stable for a while now on my laptop...

Have been using it for a year now and I'm happy with it, advice I'd give to anyone thinking about it is check you can get 64bit drivers for your hardware before installing it. I have 4 gb ram and I find it quite fast compared to my old XP on 1 gig. Don't have any problem with IE crashing but I mostly use Firefox anyway. I had to get a new router when I got vista 64 installed, old one would'nt work and D-Link were not going to produce a fix for it. As for games I can't comment cos I don't play them.

I have found a few bits of software not compatible, I was looking at external hard drives recently and found most of the software thats bundled with them are not compatible with 64 bit vista, but more & more software is being developed now for 64 bit than last year at this time. I would'nt go back to XP now.
im using x64 for a while now. Im not using IE but Opera and I dont have any problems with it:) everything works smooth on 4gigs and 3,8gHz ;)
i've been using the X64 for about a year with no real issues, it hasn't made me want to go back to XP pro anyway.
Vista64 here with the latest IE, 100% stable :)

3.2Ghz dual core Intel with 4Gb PC8500 memory, fast enough (for now;))
I just re-installed Vista again to see if it was caused by any of the software i installed and IE7 crashes straight out of the box. I am using Ultimate, maybe its a version thing..

I have a Core 2 Quad with 4gb Ram so should be pretty swift when its running properly :)

Quote possible. What was the crash?
Did you try installing IE8 Beta instead, and turning IE7 compatibilty mode on?

I've been on Vista x64 for many months now, and with no problems (except I find it little bit sluggish sometimes on screen refreshes, instead of the wham-bang instant I was used to on XP).

Athlon Dual Core 4400, with 4GB RAM
I did try and install IE8 Beta but it would not install, it failed with a generic message. I did google it and there wasnt much about it so gave up.

I cant remember the exact message, but it was referencing a specific dll. The dll existed and was in the path so I think it related to the dll version or something.

The issue was also not just with IE, whenever i closed any application i got a message saying it had stopped responding and thus it tried to restart the application.

I did spend about 2 days searching the web for fixes but nothing worked. I am thinking its either something about the hardware i have or MSDN dvd i used was a bad version (which i doubt as i only downloaded it 2 weeks ago from the MSDN website).

I used Vista x64 Ultimate flawlessly for about 6 months before it hung during an explorer task. 3 hanging hours later I had no choice but to hard reboot and it took out one of my drives (not my storage drive thank god)...
I tried rebuilding the MBR of the drive amongst other fixes but could not get it back. During the process I managed to destroy the MBR of my Windows drive (had Vista and XP 64's on a dual boot from same disk) so I reinstalled XP 64, used recovery software to grab what I needed off the failed disk and rebuilt it (full format).

As a result, I'm holding off reinstalling Vista as apart from that heavy issue, it struggles with file transfer. It's a shame, as I play a fair few games and DX10 made everything really pretty. I may wait for a more stable patch before sticking it on again.

I have Vista Home 32 on my laptop and so far have had not a single issue.

Oh, and Asus Commando mobo, Quad Core E6600 CPU, 4Gb RAM, Nvidia 9800 GTX Ultra
Is IE7 running in protected mode?

I have X64 Ultimate and do occasionally use IE7 (prefer Firefox tbh)

From memory I had the same issue installing X64 back in Feb last year.
I'm now running Vista 64 bit with IE& with no problems. Have you got SP1? It fixes a lot of Vista issues?
I've been running Vista 64 (Home premium) and IE7 on a laptop with a dual core 1.8Ghz and 4GB of RAM with no issues at all since February of this year. I have the SP1 on a disc but I'm loathe to use it having heard quite a lot of negative comments about it.