astro m42 orion nebular

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hello to all:wave:
well ive just come in from having a bar-b-q and plenty of :beer:.
and it suddenly dawned on me that i might be getting withdrawal symptoms
from astrophotography it's 11.50pm and only now dark so by the time ive finshed imageing the summer skies id go to bed at about 2am.
so i cant wait till winter for the birds and for orion the
"mother of all nature"(y)


many thanks
Holy Crap
That's some Image!
Do tell how it was done, Pleeeeze :D
never mind how it was done i can see a bird in there,

is that right....
was mother nature a bird:naughty:
Lovely:clap: Do like astrophotography some amazing images can be shot.
Many thanks for posting.
There`s no `R` on the end of nebula ! great shot though!
Fantastic, and like everyone else I'd love to know how it is done.
thank you all for the the comments
praxis sorry about the spelling i was under the spell of:beer:
it was taken with the 350d m42 mount to a 8" 1000mm f5 reflector . this is all mounted to a eq5 mount pola alligned motors set for tracking duration 290sec and a 50sec for the sentrol part the two images where added together on photoshop using lauer mask technic.
many thanks
I hate you!...I mean nice shot! :D
Thanks for the explanation, I still don't have a bloody clue though :D
Thanks for the explanation, I still don't have a bloody clue though :D

That makes two of us..:LOL:

These are amazing shots and I would like to see your setup for acheaving these shots please..:)
i thanks you all again i did'nt now if it was the place to post but it seem to have anoth interest for me to take a pics of the set up and ill post this tommorow .
many thanks
it was taken with the 350d m42 mount to a 8" 1000mm f5 reflector . this is all mounted to a eq5 mount pola alligned motors set for tracking duration 290sec and a 50sec for the sentrol part

I'm glad you know what you're talking about! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :thinking: :thinking: :shrug:
does sound a bit puzzling:thinking:
1.a eq 5 mount is a tripod with motors to track the subject to keep it sentrol this is done because of the earths rotation.
2. the exposure time is long as the gas cloud is seen pest on long exposure so you see more whisps.
3. dowm side to long exposure is the the brightest part get blown out so a short exposure time on this part is needed to keep the detail.
:thinking: :thinking: :D :ty:
Beautiful shot, astromomy is one of my other fav hobbies, though not always the best place for it the UK, too much cloud cover, that's what's stopped me upgrading my meade scope to something larger.
Thanks for sharing.(y)
What a fantastic shot!
kevin, git, oz, alex thanks for looking and comments .
it seems i want have to wait to long jupitor is in a good position to my observatory look south at about 11.00om the brightest in the sky even bins can give the moons a look . so if it clear i give it a go the weekend.
cheers jason