Answered Auto-display EXIF data from hotlinked images

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Edit My Images
Is it possible for talkphotography to scrape EXIF data and display them?

Specific to

- Camera model
- Lens model
- f-number
- shutter speed
- ISO sensitivity
- etc

Then an opt-in for GPS coordinates as some users like myself take the extra effort to embed this data in post to show on mapping platforms like Google Maps?
I'm sure it's possible. Are we going to implement it? Highly unlikely.

I think Flickr does this and a lot of our members host photos on there
With attachments on TP everything is removed.
Although size etc remains by right clicking it.
As T'other Chris said, some people leave the exif data on their flickr posts some don't.
(Save for web also strips the data)

You could always ask the "poster" if you are really interested.
In the end does knowing someone's EXIF make the image look better - no

Does it make the artists intent in taking the picture clearer - no

does it help anyone else to replicate that shot - probably not, because its highly unlikely they'll have the same light intensity, direction, colour temperature or physical location and subject matter.

in short, it's fairly irrelevant for anyone other than a select few gear polishers who care about that sort of crap.
In the end does knowing someone's EXIF make the image look better - no

Does it make the artists intent in taking the picture clearer - no

does it help anyone else to replicate that shot - probably not, because its highly unlikely they'll have the same light intensity, direction, colour temperature or physical location and subject matter.

in short, it's fairly irrelevant for anyone other than a select few gear polishers who care about that sort of crap.
I actually like your reply. Will use it when someone bothers me about it. ;-)
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