Backup Software

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Hi all, just like to know what backup software you all use.

...But.. I don't want to use disks because last time I lost them :(...

Let me just explain..
I've got an external hard drive with all my photos on it, with no backups (I know, a sin!:nono:). But what I'd like is a program that when I plug my hard drive in will backup my photos to my laptops hard drive. But I'd prefer a programme which only backs up the new or modified files.

Does anyone know any software that does that job? Or am I wanting the impossible?
Done a Google and a search here, but I've not seen one that does the above.

Thanks all.
I don't know anything that can do it automatically on connection - but for backup of a single folder (or folder structure) I use a program called "allway sync"

It's free and it basically checks for changes and ensures two folders are always the same. If you've got changes on both drives on the same file it warns you and means you have to manually pick which on to use.

I backup manually to another hard drive. I've read complaints of synch programs going wrong before so i just don't trust them with something i'd be completely devastated to lose.
It only takes a few seconds to do in explorer.
For Windows you could check out SyncToy. It's a free add on from Microsoft. Get version 2 as it's much improved over version 1.
For Windows you could check out SyncToy. It's a free add on from Microsoft. Get version 2 as it's much improved over version 1.

another vote for synctoy (y)

its easy to use and just takes a click (or two)
I use a program called Beyond Compare.

You can set up different rules, so for example it copies over new ones, but will delete ones on the backup drive that aren't on the original (eg files that have been moved, or finished etc)
Karens Replicator. Free. Backs up most programs etc. Google it.

I've been using synctoy in echo mode. just checked my backup size and file count and it matches :) It's so easy I'll keep using it.
Thanks all. I'll have a look at all your suggestions more when I get some time.
I tried synctoy, but I found it to be an 'all or nothing' approach.

For example, my photography HD has some things on it that I wish to be on the backup drive, but not on the HD mirroring over got a little messy? (IIRC)

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I find it excellent, thought it only works on internal drives.
For windows I used to use sync toy. For Mac I use timemachine (much better than sync toy) and on both I use Mozy for off site back ups, much easier than using sync toy as it is automatic. Not sure it works for external drives though...

PM me if you want an invite this get us both free months.

I find it excellent, thought it only works on internal drives.

I'm using carbonite and it seemed too good to be true really.

It will not back up from an external drive. So I put all my new image files in a temporary folder on the internal drive and when they've backed up, transfer them manually to the external drive.

But it is not without its problems. For a long period I was getting repeated crashes and continuous slow running, and then I realised it was not backing up new files. Carbonite told me to uninstall their programme, and re-install it. After uninstalling the crashes stopped - it was obviously the source of the problem. After re-installing, it's all hunky dory.

At about £25 p.a. it does seem like a bargain.:)
It will not back up from an external drive. So I put all my new image files in a temporary folder on the internal drive and when they've backed up, transfer them manually to the external drive.

I thought Carbonite then removed them from their backed up drive after 30 days? or have they changed things now?
Acronis True Image, does incremental and full and disk cloning basically is superior to any of the software mentioned above, you would have to pay but its awesome, can back up to DVD or HDD
The latest version of WinZip does backups pretty well - you can create backup jobs and specify full backup, incremental etc.

I used to use dedicated backup software, but WinZip does everything I need.

Karens Replicator. Free. Backs up most programs etc. Google it.


Another vote for Replicator. I have used it for a considerable time without problems/lost data. It has enough options to make it flexible without totally confusing the hell out of you (well, me actually).

I have used SyncBackSE for several years, and find it incredibly flexible. It's very feature-rich.

Ditto.. also syncback can be set to monitor a drive for new labels (Ie when your backup disk is available)

RAID is fine until the power supply that feed all the mirrored drives fails and fries all the drives - I've seen this happen twice and would not rely on it for disaster recovery purposes. I advise making backups to an external source (usb hard drive for instance) and also storing this off-site in case of fire or flood.

Personally I use Synctoy and copy and paste using explorer depending on the backup - Beware of drag and drop - some files don't like this, please don't ask me why but I had big problems copying a load of TomTom sat nav software to bigger SD cards via a PC with D&D, but cut and paste worked fine :wacky:
I thought Carbonite then removed them from their backed up drive after 30 days? or have they changed things now?

Have just seen this post.

Iceman, or anyone, does this mean that if Carbonite can't find your files on the internal hard drive it deletes them from its servers?? If so, I'm worried. :thinking:
Iceman, or anyone, does this mean that if Carbonite can't find your files on the internal hard drive it deletes them from its servers??
It's my understanding that Carbonite only backup your internal drives - that is, mirrors what's on them, so, if you delete something - 30 days later it comes off the backup.

It's NOT an archiving solution.
It's my understanding that Carbonite only backup your internal drives - that is, mirrors what's on them, so, if you delete something - 30 days later it comes off the backup.

It's NOT an archiving solution.

Thanks very much. Carbonite has confirmed that what I thought was backed up gets deleted after 30 days. :)