Wild Bank Vole vs Wood Mouse.

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No, not in a fight(although they can, and will fight each other) but no, for sheer cuteness!

Whilst the Wood Mouse is cute, i think the cheeky behaviour of the Bank Vole, wins it for me.

Both these photos are not cropped at all. Nikon D7000 used, poor light with rain showers. Minimal editing.

All comments welcome, cheers.

Note.- These were shot in/around my rockery, in my garden.

First up, that cheeky Bank Vole. I used the budget Tamron 70-300mm lens for this shot, using macro switch between 185 to 300mm.

Bank Vole (uncropped). 1st-February-2014.
by Testudo Man, on Flickr

Next up the Wood Mouse. I used my micro/macro Nikon 2.8D 105mm for this shot. I had to get in real close to the mouse too!

Wood Mouse (uncropped). 31st-October-2013.
by Testudo Man, on Flickr
Two very nice little rodent. The picture of the wood mouse is well composed and the action is well capture. I find the DOF a bit too shallow. It make the eye pop a bit too much out of the screen and there is a big white reflection in the eye ball. A bit frightening. (maybe i said that because it's a bit late, i'm in a dark room and there some wind blowing on the roof).
Two very nice little rodent. The picture of the wood mouse is well composed and the action is well capture. I find the DOF a bit too shallow. It make the eye pop a bit too much out of the screen and there is a big white reflection in the eye ball. A bit frightening. (maybe i said that because it's a bit late, i'm in a dark room and there some wind blowing on the roof).

Thanks for your comment, and i had to laugh about the mouses eye being "a bit frightening"! :D
Shallow DOF would probably be due to f/3.3, but to be honest, my style of photography leans towards shallow DOF (you should see some of my "head on" Vipera berus(adder/snake) shots.
The "big white reflection" in the eye ball? is the sky ;) if i zoom into the image(eye area) as well as the sky, you can also see my house, my shed, and the camera lens.
[quote=" (you should see some of my "head on" Vipera berus(adder/snake) shots.

Actually I would like to they sound interesting, are they online anywhere? flickr link etc?

Follow the Flickr links via my mouse/vole pics in this thread, im pretty sure i have over 350 Adder pics on Flickr. (y)
Alternatively, im sure i posted up a couple of Adder/Vipera berus threads on this site/forum last year ;)
Sorry, forgot to mention your posted shots, for me the DoF is spot on with the eye in sharp focus. The second shot is 'cuttest'. Did you use a hide to get so close?

Cheers for that.
No, i dont use a hide. I have observed both the garden bank voles and wood mouse, for several years now. I guess they came about as a result of the bird seed falling from the feeders/bird table. I dont feed the birds or the rodents through the Spring/Summer months, but i do put food in various places on my rockery now. They cant resist crushed peanuts, so thats the best time to capture images of them. I wait by the back door, camera at the ready, once i see them run off(mainly due to small birds coming in to feed) i know i have a short time to get into shooting position, before the vole/mouse returns to feed. They do tolerate me(being close to them) as long as i dont move that is!
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