Beach Sunrise At Seaton Carew

April 2008
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Still addicted to these early mornings, I was up at 5am yesterday and on the beach for 6am! Had to wait some considerable time for the sun, but it eventually showed itself...

Comments and brutal critique encouranged. :)

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Edit: Oh, the location is Seaton Carew, just south of Hartlepool on the NE coast. And those are ships on the horizon, head in/out of Tees Port (just visible on the right).
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They look very good to me Lee. Lovely colours (y)
Thanks for looking and commenting John :) Much appreciated.
Worth getting up for (y) - lovely time of the day :)

Great skies in both shots and nice reflection of the sun in the wet sand in the first one. :D

The line of rocks in the second one bothers me and I think it's because it cuts the shot in half and is running the wrong way perspective wise, to my way of thinking it should be running from left to right LOL :nuts::nuts: but that's me being strange! :LOL:
The line of rocks in the second one bothers me and I think it's because it cuts the shot in half and is running the wrong way perspective wise, to my way of thinking it should be running from left to right LOL :nuts::nuts: but that's me being strange! :LOL:

Thanks Donna. Well, that's food for thought, and just the sort of comment I appreciate most. When I took the shot I thought I was doing the right thing having some foreground interest, leading into the image. Yet I too prefer the one without the rocks, and it seems most other people do. :shrug:

Thanks too Postie and Kiasmum. :)
I think it's to do with the way we read from left to right, so looking at the picture the eye starts from the middle and is drawn out to the bottom right... could be wrong mind. :)

You could flip it and pretend Tees Port is Hartlepool ;)

Great clouds and reflections on the first, have you tried it as a square crop?
Thanks Donna. Well, that's food for thought, and just the sort of comment I appreciate most. When I took the shot I thought I was doing the right thing having some foreground interest, leading into the image. Yet I too prefer the one without the rocks, and it seems most other people do. :shrug:

Foreground interest is good (y) but in this case I think it's just the angle of the rocks that just doesn't seem to sit right in the composition imho ;) and there's the possibility I could be talking a load of rubbish! :D

I think it's to do with the way we read from left to right, so looking at the picture the eye starts from the middle and is drawn out to the bottom right... could be wrong mind. :)

You may have a point there! :)(y)
Great shots, I prefer No.1 and agree with Lady Pitstop about the composition of No.2. Trouble is, you cannot change what is there in front of you.
have you tried it as a square crop?

I haven't. At the moment I'm trying to stick to the standard 3:2 aspect ratio with all my shots if possible so that I can easily see how i 'should' have framed the shot if I do any cropping. Hopefully it'll improve my framing. At the moment, I'm struggling to get straight horizons in camera! :bang:

Didn't happen to see any Lost canoeists did you :D

Just an empty boat and a pile of clothes. ;)
Worth getting up for (y) - lovely time of the day :)

Great skies in both shots and nice reflection of the sun in the wet sand in the first one. :D

The line of rocks in the second one bothers me and I think it's because it cuts the shot in half and is running the wrong way perspective wise, to my way of thinking it should be running from left to right LOL :nuts::nuts: but that's me being strange! :LOL:

Strang indeed..;) Unless we can move the sun or request it sets elsewhere

Loving both shots but especially loving the 1st. Great simple compostion with excellent reflection.

Probably not many more chances to capture shots like these this year..
Great shots especially no 1. With No 2 would it have improved the image if the line of rocks ran from one edge into the middle of the shot to draw the eye rather than along taking your eye away? Or is that just cobblers?

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