Beavers on the Otter.


Nod (UK)
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Went for one of our usual short walks up the River Otter from Budleigh Salterton to Otterton and saw a fair amount of Beaver evidence about 1/2 a mile downstream from Otterton, Only seen it above the road bridge at Otterton on past visits. Spotted a couple of Kingies as well but only fleeting glimpses of their backs as they flashed past.
Ooh, that's worth looking out for. Lovely walk, isn't it? It's one of our regular Friday afternoon walks, or was. This summer like last summer the roads and coastal areas are too crowded. It would probably take us hours to get there and hours to get home again. We used to waIk up to Otterton then back for a fish supper (I can never understand why the chippies along the south coast close so early.......) I think last time we were in that area was a longer Sunday walk last year from Peek Hill out to the river, Otterton, White Bridge and back via Ladram Bay.
It's wonderful seeing them return/ed Nod , I also love the irony of beavers on the Otter made me smile the first time I heard about all this still makes me smile now:cool:

Ahh the little things in life :)
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Yup, a lovely walk and a gentle one! Ideal for myself and the friend we met in the car park to walk with bad backs! In better times (for our backs!!!) we usually carry on through Otterton down to Ladram Bay - but only out of season! The path was reasonably busy yesterday but most of us were moving in the same direction (both ways) with 50m or so between groups. The only problem was the pair of cyclists who must be hard of reading since the BIG signs at every entrance to the path prohibit cycling...

Stu, while I've never seen an otter on the river in the flesh, I've seen footprints and spraint (as well as smelling the spraint!). Apart from them, we usually see a variety of birds on the river (kingies, grey heron, little egrets among others) and it's not too rarely that we see deer in the distance to the West of the path over fields. Good blackberries up there too and a fine crop of sloes by the look of it. Plenty of grey mullet most of the way up, especially on the rising tide.
Much coolness. I'm yet to see one.

Take my advice, don't get involved with the KFs, run a mile, they'll be the ruin of you. ;)
I KNOW I don't have the patience for "proper" wildlife photography so the KFs are safe from my prying lens! I have managed a couple of shots of them, a bit late in the evening (post at least one Ouzo...) on a mooring rope in a harbour in Southern Crete! On the Otter, I've only seen them (KFs) on the wing rather than perched. Plenty of (what I would guess as being) perfect perches for them but with the passing traffic (on foot) nearby, they're probably a bit shy.