Blue-tailed Bee-eater (Merops philippinus)

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A lie has no leg, but a scandal has wings by Paolo Dolina, on Flickr

Elegant, slender bird of open country, frequently seen in flight or perched on exposed snags or telephone wires. Adult green overall, with blue tail, thin black mask, and rufous throat; bright rufous underwings visible in flight. Juvenile similar but paler, with tannish throat and shorter tail, lacking the adult's elongated central tail feathers. Flying bird has distinctive shape, with broad, sharply pointed wings, long tail, and long bill. Nests colonially in sandbanks. Voice a sweet, clipped “cheer-it,” sometimes given in series.

That's very generous of you Alan. I would have thought the metal cable would be an aesthetically unfavorable perch.

You may be right but it's a real world capture and in the world birds and other creatures interact with the man made. I don't think it detracts from the picture.
You may be right but it's a real world capture and in the world birds and other creatures interact with the man made. I don't think it detracts from the picture.

I know, right? I am thankful I was able to even this bird that conveniently. The next nearest place to photograph them is 100km away from me.
That's very generous of you Alan. I would have thought the metal cable would be an aesthetically unfavorable perch.

I like the contrast, it works very well for me- the natural versus manmade, the beautiful bird versus the rough wire....