Blue tits DIY

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I have a pair of Blue Tits flitting about the garden, taking occasional sunflower hearts from the feeders. I relocated a next box during the winter and they did seem interested in it but they seem to have set up elsewhere.
I had a blue tit visiting my feeders a few weeks ago, but not seen it since. I raked the lawn last week to expose thatch/moss and left it for the birds to take as nesting material, but nothing.
Both my boxes are being checked out, this past past week or so, but no signs of a pickfords van yet.
I haven't noticed any nest building yet, but just been to my garage and saw a lot of blue tit activity around our nest box (which I thought had been ignored). Walking back to the house there was a lot of cheeping and I saw a blue tit parent sticking their head out of the box - so maybe I missed all the nest building activity.
After the initial interest, I've not seen any activity around the boxes.
Looking back at images from last year, things were well established, by now.

Even my neighbour who has had them every year for a long as I can remember, doesn't seem to have any this year either.
They sit in her tree, and swear at me if I'm in the garden, then dive in.
No activity like that whatsoever this year.
I hope going to be a poor year for them.