Blue tits

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Hi everyone heres some more from our garden
These are from last week and before I have not managed to any decent shots this week either been workin or its been raining :crying:
Im really pleased with these shots over the last 6 weeks. I have spent hours and hours trying to get shots of the birds in the garden. I've been driving the missus spare :D
C&C would be great. Do you guys think these are sharp ?
They have all been Neat Imaged for noise as I always seem to be at high ISO.
All 350D and 70-200 one is a 50% crop the others are all only slight crops
They are all on the same perch cos I had better luck clamping a perch near to the feeder and I wanted a nice clear background






The third one is fabulous :clap: thought they are all good that one is definitely my favourite!
All excellent but No3 is the shiznitz! (y)

They all look just a mite soft though, but should sharpen nicely.
All excellent Pete, the only thing that spoil them for me is the end of the perch, it looks too manufactured if you know what I mean, it would look better if it wasn't so rounded and looked more natural.

Good work though :clap:

GORGEOUS!!!!!! :love: no 3 is my fave!

Background is fab, nice little bit of pink!
Thanks very much everyone :)

I got my favourites printed at Jessops into 8 by 10's really happy how they came out.

I have sharpened them in photoshop using smart sharpen( lens blur 53% raduis .3 pixels) these are settings I was recomended, do they need a touch more ?

No 3 is cropped from both sides I thought he'd look better on a portrait format.

Billy ,I got closer by putting the camera on a tripod and sitting back a bit and using a cable release it is very hit and miss though and I spent days to get a few shots pleased with them tho
Mike, you've got a very good point about the perch I will have a fertle round to see what I can find