Bridge in the mist

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A popular and well-known location but today shrouded in mist.
Much to my grief, by the time I had found somewhere to park the lights had been switched off ... would have made a great pic.

24-120 f4
ISO 200
Silver Efex Pro


and with increased black/contrast ...

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gramps said:
A popular and well-known location but today shrouded in mist.
Much to my grief, by the time I had found somewhere to park the lights had been switched off ... would have made a great pic.

24-120 f4
ISO 200
Silver Efex Pro

I like this. I like the composition.
Thanks for stopping by trevr :)
Very strong black and white image, the lines of the bridge draws the viewer into the scene. Lovely balanced asymmetric composition and the far side of the bridge in the mist is great. A very nicely executed image in my view.
Very strong black and white image, the lines of the bridge draws the viewer into the scene. Lovely balanced asymmetric composition and the far side of the bridge in the mist is great. A very nicely executed image in my view.

Great shot Gramps - I'd love to see the blacks a bit more prominent.

Thanks for the comments guys.
Thanks Dave, the mist of course affected contrast ... do you not think it would have spoilt that aspect to 'falsify' the contrast?
Oops didn't want to cause controversy :)

I'd go selctive colour>blacks&increase the black in the black channel.

I did a selective black increase and I can see where you are coming from, I need to compare side by side :)

Have to say I prefer the original shot. It is obviously highly personal and subjective though. I can see that increasing the contrast makes for a punchier image but it is less natural.

I am of course a film shooter so the digital mularky is all voodoo to me, my analogue eye likes the shades of grey though:)
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That looks better to me Gramps :) think I would clone out the 2 blobs on the wires as well

No pleasing you Dave :LOL:

That's a great image to work with, well done Gramps..

Many thanks for taking the trouble to comment (y)

Have to say I prefer the original shot. It is obviously highly personal and subjective though. I can see that increasing the contast makes for a punchier image but it is less natural.

I am of course a film shooter so the digital mularky is all voodoo to me, my analogue eye likes the shades of grey though:)


I think I'm with you Jao in this instance, especially as the bridge structure is essentially white naturally, so any shadows are minimal and it's too famous a bridge to misrepresent :)