Buff Cheeked Gibbon

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Taken at Edinburgh Zoo in June.

OK, I know it's only the gibbons arm but I kinda liked the way it was stretching outside it's cage to get to the fresh leaves.

a cry for freedom...and the caging tells the story
A different shot, but do quite like it, think it could possibly take a small sharpen, and if mine, would be tempted to do a color pop with it, so that just the arm and the one branch (and its leaves) are color, to give emphasis to the context.

Hope that makes sence :D
That's it Geoff.

I did take some of the gibbon, which was a female with baby, but the cage was so heavy the shots weren't worth taking.
Thanks Stuart, it was meant to be a bit different.

I like your ideas but about the only thing I know how to do in Photoshop is crop (although this isn't)!
easiest way to do color pop in PS is to duplicate the layer, then pull the saturation of that layer down so it is mono, then use the eraser to remove the bits you want in color from that layer.
easiest way to do color pop in PS is to duplicate the layer, then pull the saturation of that layer down so it is mono, then use the eraser to remove the bits you want in color from that layer.

That's easy?! :amstupid:
sounds harder than it is, if you want will have a play tomorrow, at work on nights so no PS.
Should get some time, just finished a run of nights, so few hours kip, then I'll be up, will give me something to keep me awake later :D

I like it. (y)

I would probably have left all the leaves green but I think what you've done is much better, more dramatic. :notworthy:

Note to self: "Learn how to use Photoshop". :help:
Your welcome :D

Just doing those leaves I felt gave more impact to what was going on.
Love the edited version - brings the story that's being told straight to the fore.