Bulk loading


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OK so now I have narrowed my fave films down to two, I am considering buying in bulk.

I have read up on the kit needed etc, but have one main question - can I load the bulk loader in a changing bag?

My changing bag is quite big, easily room for loading a spiral and putting into the tank, so I guess it could be OK?

Most certainly you can. Nothing beats the convenience of a darkroom with a handy work surface, but as long as you're not too restricted for room in the bag you'll be fine. I'd think more people probably use bags than have darkroom facilities.
Thanks, Footman I feel the same when I snip the end of a roll after loading to the spool!!

Just been reading up on it and watching videos. The rolls of film aren't as big as I imagined, and it seems the bag provides room for an AP loader, too.

Next thing to try, I reckon...
I always had suspect dust in mine when using a changing bag.

Resorted to getting a carpenter to build a removable black out frame for my window, which I put in place (lined with blackout cloth) instead. The door frame is also tape with light seal.

No more dust now :)
Hm I guess for maximum convenience I'm going to need two loaders, one with 100 speed in and another with 400 speed.

When I get my Leica back from it's service I'll start investing in this idea I think.
Ped, I've got one you can have. I was going to go down the Bulk route but have changed my plans. PM me your address and I'll drop it in the post.
Really, that's very kind... I'll send a PM now. What changed your mind? Did you try it and find it difficult?


I just found I wasn't using enough of one film type, it's ok if i'm testing a camera but easier still to use Poundland Kodacolor and process at Tescos. I guess I'm just a bit lazy :LOL:
I have a Konica Hi-Loader and find that a nice bulk loader to use, relatively idiot proof (the light trap opens automatically and the counter works well, including counting your film end).