Butterfly id's required please.

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Two butterflies from our French holiday, these were both taken in the Dordogne region, and id's would be good please.

1. Possibly one of the Ringlets?


2. Possibly a Scarce Swallowtail (Iphiclides podalirius)


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I'm not 100% sure but the first one looks like a meadow brown, but someone here will be better at names than me.

Thanks Guys, but the reason I thought that it isn't a meadow brown is that the descriptions show the mb with just one eyespot on the forewing, this one has two clear ones and smaller ones.
Thanks Guys, but the reason I thought that it isn't a meadow brown is that the descriptions show the mb with just one eyespot on the forewing, this one has two clear ones and smaller ones.
same thoughts as me...looked when you first posted, but could not find anything in my books of butterflies?...mark
Thanks for your input, Mark.

If it helps, I saw the butterfly in the Dordogne area, and to try to identify it I used the Butterflies of France website, and I thought that the ringlets looked similar - http://www.butterfliesoffrance.com

I may be wrong, I usually am!
No1 is difficult. The ringlets seem to merge into the browns, which merge into the heaths, then there are subspecies, and the males can be different to the females.........


That's what I thought, thanks Jerry. Could still be a Meadow Brown?
That's why I queried the meadow brown in the first place, I also think that the colours are a bit warm for a Grayling. Seems to be a mixture of some off the Butterflies of France site!

btw Jeremy, you have some nice images on the Wild Wales site.