Butterfly wing stack

Hi Dale, let me state from the outset that I am only just starting go learn about stacking so what I write may be crap :)

Looking at your image it "appears" the wing is parallel to the focal plane? If it is then I can't understand why stacking would make a difference because no matter how many images in the stack only a very few will be in focus the rest would actually degrade the overall image wouldn't they ?

I thought stacking was used to select the in focus part of each image thus giving a greater overall dof in the final image.
Hi Mark it’s actually quite deceptive from the bottom left to top right being in focus the rail moved about 1cm. The raynox gives you a very narrow depth of field so it does take quite a few shots to get all of it in sharp focus. I could probably have got away with a few less shots but I didn’t want to risk getting any areas out of focus.