C N C needed please

Robert Shaw
Edit My Images
I decided today I would start shooting in RAW, as i have been usng jpeg. Id like to know what i could have done better in PP with these. It seems in colour they were quiet dull but worked better in blk and wht. I have converted them to jpegs for web viewing but also as tiffs to keep on laptop. It seems the jpegs are not as sharp as the tiffs though....

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sorry mate, changed to links as they're oversized.

Like the composition and the conversions though, good stuff :)
cheers. should i save them as compressed jpegs for on here then? surely that wouldmean the image is not as good though?
max length allowed on longest side is 800 :) Saving at round about 180 - 200 KB is usually fine.
not sure but if it's anything like PS then try Image>image size
ok thanks i see to have sorted that. Would you use a higer pixel for printng. I mean are there general rules on pixels for printing, screen view, web etc?
For printing keep to around 300 pixels/inch. So of you want to print a 10"X8" you'd be aiming at a minimum of 3000x2400. Just do a resize to 800x600 or whatever for display on here, and keep a full res. for printing. To be honest if you're going to re-edit, i'd keep the files as .TIF until the last moment, and only output as .JPG at the final stage, when you're not going to edit again. Every time you save as .JPG it introduces losses / image degradation as part of compressing the file.
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thanks, it seems that the image does not degrade that much with less pixels unless its really zoomed in. is it worth keeping a tiff file for refernce and opening on screen so no loss i involved afterthe Raw file is finished with? I seem to hve got to the point where i store the raw file, then process and save a tiff, which would be ok to print? and a jpeg for web...
oh another question if smaller is better fo web view what about if i upload to redbubble? not that it i likely that i will sell anything but if I i did and it was low pixels would they get a crappy print? or shd i upload as the file is say 3000x2000 pixels for that?
Not au-fait with redbubble, but i'd imagine if it's for large image printing, i'd be inclined to upload at highest native res. you have - full camera resolution.
Had a quick look at the photo's... both seemed a wee bit washed out for my taste - though I appreciate that may be the look you were going for.


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yes i see what u mean...did u just darken the hilites on these? as i said whn i look at the colour version they looked crap, prefer them in b w
actually ive looked on redbubble...it seems that the images are resized as they are uploaded as i have uploaded the original size and the files on red bubble are GIF files bout 800x500, whats a GIF file?
yes i see what u mean...did u just darken the hilites on these? as i said whn i look at the colour version they looked crap, prefer them in b w

Did a little tweak in Photoshop CS4 - copied the entire photo into a second layer overlaying the original, changed layer mixing mode to multiply which really beefs up the contrast. The effect can be modified by changing the opacity of the second layer until the desired tone depth was achieved. I then ran a large 300 pixel) 2% eraser over the clouds where the shadows were a bit dark.

Probably not what i'd have done if i'd have had the originals to work with, but a quick and dirty way to get an idea of what i'd have worked towards as an end result.
yeah ive just started using PSE7, ive not got as far as using layers yet, i tend to do all the changes on the original file, presumeably not the best route then?
By the way puyjapin, you don't have your edit tick box showing, are you happy for people to post edits of your work? If so you might want to change your user settings (y)

Oh and meant to add that I pref the originals, the edits are just a bit too dark now for me TBY (at least on my monitor)
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Appreciate that the edit wasn't done on the originals, but on this screen they look a bit too dark. Hadn't thought about using multipy on layers to add contrast though so thanks for explaining what you did.
Both shots are well composed, and somewhere in between the originals and the edits would really hit the spot.

Slow typing - Mr Burble beat me to it with the dark thing.
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To be honest, they are a wee bit darker than i'd have done them myself, but there's a couple of reasons:

1. was making a point of how much harder the contrast could be pushed
2. my copy of CS4 was sulking at the embedded ICC profile in the originals
3. I'm on my third bottle of Coniston Bluebird and overdid it :D The overlay layer should have been around 40-60% intensity rather than full!

Oh - and sorry if I oversteped the mark puyjapin, didn't spot that you don't have your edit tick box showing (see reason 3 above):LOL:
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I like the first picture - very nice.

In the second, I find the slightly OOF grass/twigs in the foreground a bit distracting and I'm a little unsure as to where to look - at the log on the right or the farm machinary on the left? Maybe a slightly wider angle from a little higher up would have helped, so the grass/twigs don't intrude on the machinary and the log is more a part of the picture (rather than appearing cropped)...?

Just my 2c worth...! :D