Camera Stuff... Lots of

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Right guys and girls, had a good browse around the forum but cant seem to find anything that will answer my question. :(

But could you tell me how much roughly all this would be worth.
This used to be used for professional photography years and years ago.
Not to sure if they are rare now?

I have the following below:

*Helios Auto Tele Converter
*Pentax ME Super, 35mm film and 49mm lens
*Pentax MX, 35mm film, 70mm lens
*Makinon 500mm
*Osawa 650mm lens - telephoto lens
*Extra batterie packs
*Pentax ME, Kiron Precision 80-200mm
A few flash guns:
*Hanimex Flash Gun
Wireless T5855 Flash Sensor
* Helios 20 Flash Gun
*Single Tripods
and much more, cleaning stuff and more little bits and bobs!
A motley collection of stuff there but it'll have limited appeal nowadays. The bodies might net you £100-130 for the lot. More detail needed for the short lenses to make an estimate and the mirror lenses might fetch £50-70 each (on Ebay) if you get lucky but the flash gear isn't going to make you wealthy...sorry.

I understand the flash guns wont, but the bodys and lenses will. My fiancés granddad used to be a photographer back in the day he no longers uses these and hes only got a few days left so he has told me to sell them. They are no interest to us.

I have had a look on ebay but theres not much on there, would it be better to take them to a auction?
Not rare or particularly valuable, I'm afraid. A quick look at a Mifsuds ad shows an ME super body at £49 - that's a dealer price with 3 months' warranty. IIRC there's a Pentax users forum - might be worth asking there but they may well have similar selling rules as here.