Can anyone help me with LRG3 issues? Need some simple help.

Edit My Images
I have been following the guide on ... index.html
and made the first page and the about me page. When I view my website it doesnt seem to follow the link to the about me page.
When I click on the about me button it goes to this website
I uploaded the about me page to new/pages/aboutme as instructed. Could anyone please help me out?

my Website is at

Thank you in advance, hopefully im missing something important. Maybe its because the first page doesnt load all the way?

edit, it was PHP, but now the front page hangs after the slideshow.
I'm building my website with LRG3 as well..

I can probably help you with your issue but I'm absolutely knackered at the moment (lame excuse, but the truth)

If you can hold out, I'll look at this question again in the morning and answer in detail. I'm sure the solution is simple as I had a few glitches when I initially set up my website, but now it works very well.
Skip what I said.. i guess curiosity got the better of me.

I go to your website, and it loads up fine.

When I click on about me, it takes me to (notice, no forward slash after the #, unlike what you mentioned about)

Maybe your browser needs refreshing? So to me it looks as though it is working well.

I did find that when I was editing my site, I would change between viewing in Firefox, IE, and Safari to ensure that it worked in all of them, and that the pc wasn't loading old saved pages.

Let me know your thoughts.
Hi, it was the PHP problem, I had the basic package which didnt let me use it. I upgraded and it seems to work fine.

The only problem is that the front page hangs after it is on for a bit, its kinda random but annoying. It could be my internet tonight as its slow. But if the slideshow just stops all the buttons working, let me know.

Thanks in advance.

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