Canon 24-70 2.8 L series lens failed

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Apologies if this has already been asked, but having a few issues with my 24-70 lens. It was bought about 7 years ago and is heading back to the repairers again, after it failed for the second time on a shoot. At the time I had a spare lens at the time, a nifty fifty. The first time it was a connection failure and a new ribbon was fitted, lens serviced and returned to me. With Covid and a few other issues it remained unused for a long while. Fast forward to last weekend and I got a code 1 error message, so I checked the contacts re-attached the lens and this time it would only shoot very dark images, almost as if the aperture shut. Ive taken it to my local camera shop who have sent it to a Canon appointed repairer fingers crossed its not an expensive fix. While a part of me says its time to move on I realise to repair the lens for something of similar quality will not be cheap, but wondering what others recommend for a Canon full frame R series camera. I see the sigma art 24-70 lens gets decent review but just wondering how they compare?
From Sigma you would want the DN version which will walk circles around anything in EF or RF mount in 24-70mm guise. The bad news is it is only available in E and L mounts. I would definitely not advise getting the older non-DN version, Pretty much nothing matched Canon mk II, and it wasn't a great lens to begin with, also made like a plastic toy. It did an OK job for events though. RF one is not really an improvement at ridiculous cost and with ridiculous vignette making it more like f4+. Money no object there is a much better RF 28-70mm f/2, still built like a toy but much brighter, well controlled vignette and better sharpness. If you make £3k per event you may as well.
For reasonable money and range topping IQ just pick up a few Sigma ART primes, only for 35mm pick up Tamron f/1.4 instead, or get Sigma 28+40mm to cover the range. And 85mm or 70-200mm on a second body. Job done.