Canon 70-200 f2.8 -v- f4

hmmmm, you know none of this is helping. Just because I KNOW the f4 will do everything I need, doesn't mean I don't want the f2.8 IS. :razz:

My kit need is currently trying to tell me it's time to upgrade the Leaf back to something with a bigger chip surface so when the Mamiya 28mm (finally) comes out, I can ditch the canon gear all together for interiors. That does mean a pretty huge spend but perhaps if the deal was sweetend with a 70-200 2.8 thrown in..........:thinking: :LOL:
A bit more advice, i have a Sigma 100-300 F4 which is a great lens that i use for wildlife. But i could never use it for a wedding as it just wont do for that type of low light work. If you buy the 70-200 F4 i know that in a few months time you will think i should have got the 70-200 F2.8. If you are going to do more and more wedding work then the faster the lens the beter your work will become. And as for people talking about the limited depth of field with the F2.8, look at my shot above. I focused on the bride and groom, who are sharp. The vicar is a bit out of focus, but he was 1 foot behind the bride and groom.
I know PapaL, your shot was was lovely. None of mine looked like that. I can't remember - did you use flash or not?:thinking:
He! he! It was because of this thread that I started it Gilly ;)
I wanted to get a general idea of how well used the lens is and didnt want to gatecrash here because I know how important the decision will be for your work!

So what do you reckon the next thread should be ... 'Show us your best 70-200mm at the wide end?' :LOL:

Hmmm... Could be interesting:popcorn:
No flash was used i was around 30 ft away at the back of the church. There was very little light, just a bit of daylight coming throw a window and a bit of indoor lighting.

Camera Canon 1DMKIIN
Lens Canon 70-200 F2.8 L
TV- 181 sec
AV- 2.8
IS - on
ISO-1600 or 3200
Noise ninja 2
Thanks PapaL. I keep hearing this noise ninja thingy. I am going to have to look it up. Is it expensive and where did you get it from? I take it, it is better than CS2 then?
Thanks PapaL. I keep hearing this noise ninja thingy. I am going to have to look it up. Is it expensive and where did you get it from? I take it, it is better than CS2 then?

Noise Ninja is a noise reduction program. It can be either stand alone, or used as a plugin in Photoshop. Here is the link to the program web site. It is not really that expensive (home plugin version only about £25), and quite easy to use.

Other noise reduction programs worth considering are Neat Image, and Noiseware (what I use at the moment).
I used to shoot weddings using a Bronica with an 80mm standard lens.
The equivalent on a 5D is a 50mm lens. If I was still doing weddings I would use a 50mm F1.4 and let my feet do any zooming. Shutter speed in the church will not be an issue with F1.4 & if you want a little extra length put the lens on a 30D body
I currently own a Sigma 70-200mm F/2.8 and believe it was one of the best camera purchases I ever made

Its an excellent lens, sharp images and great under low light ....which is a bonus when your inside a church
I used to shoot weddings using a Bronica with an 80mm standard lens.
The equivalent on a 5D is a 50mm lens. If I was still doing weddings I would use a 50mm F1.4 and let my feet do any zooming. Shutter speed in the church will not be an issue with F1.4 & if you want a little extra length put the lens on a 30D body

Thanks for the advice. (y) I suppose I could have put it on the 20D. My only concern in church is that I would have to walk forward, and the whole point was to shoot from the back to be discreet in those moments when all eyes should be on the B&G taking their vows. :)
Thanks for the advice. (y) I suppose I could have put it on the 20D. My only concern in church is that I would have to walk forward, and the whole point was to shoot from the back to be discreet in those moments when all eyes should be on the B&G taking their vows. :)

The 2.8 IS is perfect for these shots as even in low light you can handhold and get sharp images at slow shutter speeds. 1/30th - 1/60th at 200mm is not unusual in a low lit church and the IS will cope well with that sort of shutter speed.
The 2.8 IS is perfect for these shots as even in low light you can handhold and get sharp images at slow shutter speeds. 1/30th - 1/60th at 200mm is not unusual in a low lit church and the IS will cope well with that sort of shutter speed.

That's exactly what I wanted to hear(y) Thanks JD
The 70-200 F4 lens is sharper at F4 than the 70-200 F2.8 is at F2.8 but stop it down to F4 and they are the same. But you get F2.8 for low light, i use it all the time for Weddings and i would be stuck without it.

I agree 100% with this. I have both versions and constantly see the f/4 being described as sharper. My results show them to be the same at f/4 but the f/2.8 softens a little below f/4.