Canon 85mm 1.2L

Hee hee - it's really been "Lens Day" today hasn't it!

This looks like a stunner CT - better get yourself some more batteries as it sounds like you'er going to need 'em!
It appears that this lens just sucks the life out of batteries. I shouldn't be surprised really with those long slow AF times. I guess it's an 'all or nothing' lens on all fronts!

I've read about this before but it only affects 40D's !

On a 5D or 30D then battery life doesn't suffer much more than any other lens and similar to an IS lens.
There are a few this from POTN as a work around's posts specifically.

The lens is fine on my 5D as i haven't noticed a reduction in photos i can take from one battery.
I've read about this before but it only affects 40D's !

On a 5D or 30D then battery life doesn't suffer much more than any other lens and similar to an IS lens.
There are a few this from POTN as a work around's posts specifically.


Well that's interesting Bob thanks mate, although opinions do seem to be divided. To be fair they weren't fresh batteries, I'd been using them for about a week anyway, but I'd normally have expected them to last longer, and I must have taken more than 40 shots just messing about with the new lens -as you do.

I will do some tests though with fresh batteries and let you know how I get on. Nothing could put me off this lens though. :love:
40 Shots? Blimey, that's going to be an inconvenience. Hope you get it sorted as it would be awful to not want to use the lens due to this odd battery issue.
You evil person you...:rules:

Will just have to settle for the 1.8 for now...


Nice one Cedric ... (y) ... some impressive images from it so far too ... ;) ... and the bokeh is simply to die for ... :cautious:

You've got THREE gardeners ... :eek: ... how the other half live eh ... :thinking:


LOL. Sorry to disappoint Rog, but me and 17 other people pay for the gardening for these flats. Sorry to spoil your image of me wandering around in the East Wing looking for subjects for the 85mm. :LOL:
After seeing your pictures i went looking to see how much the f/1.2 costs , er er er no I can't afford it, I did just find one on ebay for £835 though and only 5 miles from me, luckily while my finger was hovering somebody beat me to it, phew:D
wow the bokeh is real nice
LOL. Narrow escape then Wack! :D

In more ways than one, I can just about get away with changing bodies as long as they're all black:nuts: but she'd notice Goliath's eye stuck on the front of one