Canon Speedlite 430EX II

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On sale in the Dixons tax free shop today at Manchester airport for £170 - but they didn't have any in stock. The salesman offered to sell me the one on display but with no discount ... personal preference not to buy items that have been mauled by potentially tens of people, but still disappointed that they didn't have any, I haven't seen it cheaper elsewhere ... unless anyone can point me in the right direction?! Failing that I'll just have to check again next month ...
You will be hard pushed to get it cheaper than that at the moment, and to be fair, a flashgun probably wouldn't take that much abuse at the airport, so as long as it was boxed and covered by warranty, I would have taken it.
Thanks for the suggestions, checked them out earlier and both are selling them for £170.
Got mine recently from Camerabox. Very happy with it.