Cartoon strip.


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My first go at something like this. I hope it fits the 'creative' section :)

I like it! Its really like the comics I used to read when I was a kid....[some time ago!] Must dip in to the crreative world and stop leaving to the camera!

Thanks Duncan :) I'm just trying some different things out as I have a rare weekend at home!
I think you've definitely picked a very good start image for this sort of thing - it lends itself well to the treatment.
On the whole it works very well, but I'm not sure that the spacing of the dots for her skin tone is quite right. I think they could maybe be a little less dense . . . or maybe a little more dense. :thinking: Can't quite make up my mind, but I'd like to see you play with them a bit more because they're so close to working perfectly, but not quite there for me at the moment.

Now did somebody say something about a new pair of shoes? :D
Hi Sarah, thanks for your comments. I tried with the dots closer together, but then you loose the clarity of the image. Further apart tended to lose the effect :( I'll have another go on another image when I get time and post it up (y)
Yup, this certainly is creative Tori. The text style is so authentic and as Sarah said, the image is perfect for this.
Thanks Matthew and Rob :) I'm working on another one today ;-)
It's a great image and you chose a good picture to pp.
I like the style of the text.