Child in thought

Keltic Ice Man

Glossary King
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Hi there - this is my first photo post. Taken with my Fuji S602 Zoom it shows my youngest son Ruaridh deep in thought, having spent the last few hours colouring in with felt tips pens.

Hope you like it. I'm interested in any comments.



the thing about kids, is they dont sit still long enough, so your timing here was great, a lovely thoughtful face!

a little bit of tinkering in PS to lighten the dark side of the face a bit and a crop to remove the bright coloured backdrop would help also, its a little distracting, sharpen up a little more too

How do they manage to get pen all over the place, my boy just takes the top off his pen and its all over his hands and face!
Looks like hes studying a game of chess:)

As mentioned trying to get kids to stay anywhere near still is an art in itself, so well done for getting such a pensive expression:thumb:
I'm very much a novice with PS at the mo, but I've cropped the background of a bit closer, and altered the levels to bring him out of the shaddow. (I wasn't sure of other ways of lightening one side of his face).

I agree he does look like he's playing chess or something. He was actually waiting for his mum to light his birthday cake candles, but being full of cold wasn't his usual active self.


Do you think this looks any better?
certainly better for me, the attention is on him and not the distracting background, if the background was less colourful, it wouldnt have mattered.
I really like it, snot and all!
Tell Rory your spell-check isn't working :D .

Nice shot though...

Use the tutorial on post processing that Matt wrote, its superb!