Childern of the Dump

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Christmas 2008 Phnom Penh Cambodia, The Stung Meanchey Municipal Rubbish Dump, no playstations, computers, games etc for these kids.

This is a life of survival for the hundreds of children, youths and young adults, some go to school trying for an education to escape the dump most unfortunately cannot afford the school fees besides they are expected to earn towards the upkeep of the family. Work on the dump carries on 24 hours a day 7 days a week with over a thousand tonnes of rubbish tipped daily, collecting the saleable rubbish will earn these kids less than a dollar a day.

On the day we visited the dump, I take my wife to all the exotic places, it was late morning and the temperature was nearly 35c when we left our hotel so the horrendous stench of rotting rubbish hits you like a brick and the smoke rising from the methane as the waste rots give a constant haze to the place and as we wandered around with scarf’s similar to the one the girl in the picture is wearing around the lower part of our faces this helped keep the mornings breakfast where it should be.

Thanks for looking, LesF

A very stong image (y)

The hands says it all.
a stunning image
Very strong image.
It's somehow hard to feel civilised looking at this image on a laptop that would have cost that young lady around two years of her subsistance income.
A strong and thought provoking image.

Its humbling, we don't know we're living, fantastic thought provoking shot.
That is a very powerful image - the DOF is excellent.