Clearing out darkroom. Any takers?

wayne clarke
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I'm clearing out my old darkroom gear, cant see me using it again and I'd hate to just bin it. It's B+W based gear,2 enlargers, lens, dev tanks, safelights and trays ect. I'm based near Swansea and dont fancy posting an enlarger. anybody interested, not looking to sell just happy for it to have a good home and get used.

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A very generous offer Wayne, I'm sure someone will tear your arm off. (y)

I just wish you'd done this a couple of years ago though - I'd have been there like a shot. :rolleyes:
I would love this, but not so sure about my wife. Gave my darkroom kit away 20 years ago.

Are you in a hurry to free the space?
I would love this, but not so sure about my wife. Gave my darkroom kit away 20 years ago.

Are you in a hurry to free the space?

Hah! I think some smooth talking in in order. ;)
A bit tooo far for me - S. France, however my daughter is in Llantwit Major, nr Bridgend, will see if she or anyone in her club would be interested. Kind thing for you to do.
I would be interested in anything non- enlarger related as I'm in Nottingham so it would be dependent on what could be posted and what anyone else would want. Of course I'd happily pay postage costs.

Whoever it gets sent to it's a very generous offer @swanseamale47