Colour space choice exporting from LR to 5k iMac

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Two choices I’m debating.SRGB or P3?

The monitor supposedly displays P3 so is that the obvious choice or not?

To be clear I’m exporting from LR to the Apple photos App Library where I view my edited photos.

If I want to say post on FB I would export as SRGB.

I will today experiment and export from LR both and see if they look different but I’m asking if anyone else

has questioned and come to a decision and why?

To me, it depends what the final use will be for the pictures. If any of them will be shared then use sRGB so they will always look the same. If you will never share them then use whatever colour space you like.
display P3 is a variant of DCI-P3 which is a colour space for cinema. Not sure why you would ever want to use that for photographs.
as far as I can read its what all the Macs and iPads use as standard, has a wider gamut than adobe RGB and much wider than SRGB ,favours reds and yellows as apposed to Adobe RGB which favours blues and reds,i don't have much choice re the monitor question is more related to if any noticeable difference when exporting from LR to my photos app.just about to test it.
from web
Display P3 is a wide color gamut used extensively in mobile devices, such as mobile phones, tablets, notebooks, and certain late-model desktops, such as iMacs and Surface Studio desktop computers. Compared to sRGB, Display P3 features more richly saturated red and green colors. More and more devices are incorporating Display P3 panels in their devices, so it is reasonable for designers to use Display P3 monitors when creating their art. An sRGB monitor cannot reproduce the vibrant colors Display P3 intends. Therefore, now is the time to swap your old sRGB monitor for a Display P3 monitor!
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Exporting both RGB and P3 from lightroom ,I couldn't see any difference between the two images, I tried it with a few to inc Skys and foliage and portraits, only diff was the P3 image was 1.2 MB larger on the image I checked for size

I tried the monitor option using adobe 1998 the P3 and apple RGB. the adobe and P3 looked very similar but the apple RGB display setting was oversaturated.