Comparison shots

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Today I decided to test way for me to get closeup shots using my Panasonic G5 MFT camera. I have a vintage Pentax 50mm FF f1.7 lens and extension tubes, these where kindly donated to me by GreenNinja67, and I have a set of cheap (£10 for four) closeup filters from Amazon which I use on my Panasonic 45-150 f4/5.6, I dont have any extension tubes for the panasonic lens so am unsure if they would give better results. One thing that stuck me straight away is the colour difference between the 2 shots. Any critique would be most welcome as would any advice on how to improve my images.

Here is the Pentax 50mm with tubes.
Pentax 16mm tube.JPG

And here is the Panasonic 45-150 with 4x diopter fitted.
Panasonic 45-150 f45.6 with 4x diopter.JPG
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Nice pictures Andrew.

I've used old film era lenses on MFT and also on my FF Sony A7, here's my thoughts...

On MFT you lose the less good corners and/or edges because you're seeing less of the lenses image circle, if these are indeed less good, but any deficiencies in the central area may be highlighted more due to any greater degree of magnification.

On FF you may see any less good areas away from the central area because you're seeing more of the lenses image circle but the central area may benefit from any lesser degree of magnification. This is what I've found and on balance I think that for me my old film era lenses work best on FF, but it is swings and roundabouts, maybe :D

I don't use tubes now and in fact I either sold or gave all mine away some time ago but I do use close up filters quite often and I find them good enough for me. On the differing colours, you if you don't like one particular look you may be able to get something nicer by adjusting the white balance.

For me the differences between lenses are what make them more interesting than the difference between cameras.