Constructive criticisms

Your site seems easy to navigate and has a nice chatty style.The only minor niggle for me is the moving banner.
The site is easy to navigate through and uncluttered as it should be.

I'm glad you have an 'about me/us' page as i think it is always important to understand a little about the photographer.


Most of these points are subjective so take with a pinch of salt.

Not keen on the moving text at the bottom of the opening page.
The opening page with black background looks very professional and then the rest of the site is pink, not keen and in my view looks amateurish.
On the opening page there is a link to the gallery which disappears on the rest of the pages.
The banner need to go, the thumbnails can be larger as some people dont always have as good eyesight, also as said the urls are wrong as the Gallery url is the About Us url, it just looks like you need to insert the text for the url for Gallery and sort that out, also on the contact page it says "by sending an email" well people will need the email address displayed on that page, as the text "by sending an email" is not linked to a @ address.