Corris corner and the F15's

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The sun was shining for a change and as an added bonus we were sheltered from the wind !!




This one caught us on the hop !!






And they do come in a bit closer than expected

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Great set. The first two are superb. They actually look like the aicraft skin has got too hot and warped with the heat!
Amazing what a bit of vapour can do. Very nice.

Nice set. I had a nice day up a cad east but the wind got on my nerves. I know now where to try next trip. I nearly missed the harrier even with a warning it was coming.
I wonder if they know you are out there photographing them.

I'm expecting a "can you send" me at any moment;)

I did not expect these through as it had been very quiet for about an hour and a half...then all hall broke loose.

After these it was back to staring at the sheep again for another couple of hours until the Tornado came through.

again i sound like im repeating myself .............. I wish we had jets up here
Great set Rory, and another good day was had by us all :).
Great pictures Rory, Plenty of tools on the F15, nice Harrier suprise too, we had one like that on Bwlch middle shelf, didnt hear it at all, it just appeared.
Great set of images Rory and well done on the centre spread in the local rag.

And thanks for the memories of that Jag pass back in 2007, can still smell the vapour, great display, missing them in the Loop :(

Superb set as usual, well done. What lenses do you guys use to get these? you have a link to the Dutchman's shot ?.....found it !!

Any chance of putting a link to that up? I've heard about the Jags going down there, but missed the end of them. Can remember seeing them do low level passes over Llanbedr when I was out there though :)
Brilliant. The detail is amazing. In number 7 you can see one of the mens hands. I wonder if they know you are out there photographing them.

Cracking pics.
Look closely - the F15 crew are having a look (esp the backseater) at the camera.
These guys like getting their pics taken.
I've just had an e-mail from the backseater.
They like the shots. He was from Ramstein ending his european tour.

And yes he did tell me that they were posing for the camera:LOL:

Has he requested a copy of the pictures yet?
I've just had an e-mail from the backseater.
They like the shots. He was from Ramstein ending his european tour.

And yes he did tell me that they were posing for the camera:LOL:

I notice on the Pprune (Professional pilots rumour network) Military forum that they basically don't like civilians chipping in, but now and again someone posts pics like yours and boy do they love that.
Hi Trappe,
Very nice shots. Can I ask what Body / lens combination you used for them?
Hi Trappe,
Very nice shots. Can I ask what Body / lens combination you used for them?

Most standard DSLR camera bodies, recommendation at affordable end Nikon D90 or D300 for abit extra...Canon 40D/50D....lenses minimum 200mm, but a perfect focal length on a cropped sensor camera would be a 300mm lens, but anything from 200 - 400mm required and minimum f5.6, but would recommend faster lenses due to varying light conditions, although you pay a premium for the faster glass.
Most standard DSLR camera bodies, recommendation at affordable end Nikon D90 or D300 for abit extra...Canon 40D/50D....lenses minimum 200mm, but a perfect focal length on a cropped sensor camera would be a 300mm lens, but anything from 200 - 400mm required and minimum f5.6, but would recommend faster lenses due to varying light conditions, although you pay a premium for the faster glass.
Thanks for the info. I have a D700 - looks like ideal lens is in the 450mm range - getting the f5.6 gets a bit tricky (by which I mean expensive!) for full frame.
Crackin shots might have to make a trip and give it a go myself (y)
Very nice set of shots, No7, you can almost see the speech bubbly from the co-pilot\navigator "ere there somebody over there taking picture of us" :LOL::LOL::LOL:
