Court Protest - Sentencing update.

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Jasmine York of Bristol is appearing at Bristol Crown Court charged with riot and arson following the "Kill the Bill" protest in Bristol last March ( BBC Report ).
A small but vocal protest group has setup outside of the court.

The Face of Protest.

The Face of Protest by Bristol Streets, on Flickr

Shouting the Odds.

Shouting the Odds by Bristol Streets, on Flickr

Gagging Free Speech

Gagging free speech by Bristol Streets, on Flickr

Hackney Cop Watch.

Hackney Cop Watch
by Bristol Streets, on Flickr
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I find myself thinking that your pictures capture the essence of why I tend to support whatever such people are against. :naughty:
I loved the way the protest leader obviously had the protest chants on her phone, referring to it every time she started up! :rolleyes:
Nice set Roger (y)
I see that "Rumpole" is watching you :D
Nice set Roger (y)
I see that "Rumpole" is watching you :D
Indeed he was Chris.
Not from him but the first time I have had protests about my photography from a couple in the 'crowd', one very vocal!
Not from him but the first time I have had protests about my photography from a couple in the 'crowd', one very vocal!
Maybe a trilby with a "Press" card tucked in the rim band would help?
Or maybe it would make it worse? :D
Excellent reporterage photography, gramps. Surprised you are still alive after getting that 'if looks could kill' look from the 'lady' in today's first image.
And that looks suspiciously like a spliff being rolled, stage left, in the second of today's.
Excellent reporterage photography, gramps. Surprised you are still alive after getting that 'if looks could kill' look from the 'lady' in today's first image.
Yes there were a couple who didn't like my hairstyle!! :LOL:
Yes there were a couple who didn't like my hairstyle!! :LOL:
Since you are using a ‘proper’ camera they probably think you are police or SIS ;)
Since you are using a ‘proper’ camera they probably think you are police or SIS ;)
Ha ha, at my age I doubt that, however in the 1st photo the girl on the right has a 'face-scarf' emblazoned with a "Police Surveillance" warning. :)
Well captured (y) your a brave man, I'd face any animal, but I would not want to be in your shoes taking those :LOL:
Thanks Gav ... old age has made me a bit more thick-skinned I guess! :LOL:
Great sets, gramps!
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Nope. Last time I was there was 2012.
Small Street Espresso - "Serving amazing espresso, filter, cakes & sarnies in Bristol's Old City since 2012."

You just missed it then. :)
Small Street Espresso - "Serving amazing espresso, filter, cakes & sarnies in Bristol's Old City since 2012."

You just missed it then. :)

To be honest I'd usually have my car parked on the double yellows and feed/drink out of the back of the vehicle!! :D

For some unknown reason, the traffic vultures used to leave the press alone on there.